Reader survey!

So, progress on this series has unexpectedly been put on hold because several months ago I promised to help out a friend by co-writing their visual novel, only it was in a setting that required me to do a lot of research first.  I'm finally reaching the bottom of the research rabbit hole (as it were), so the writing may begin soon, but that still leaves likely months before I can get back to working on this series.

That being the case--especially since The Golden God of Aiolia needs to have changes made before I can move on to the next draft of The Martial Maenads--I thought it would be great if I could get some feedback on the two novels that I've already released.

Mostly feedback in terms of things like format and interactivity, in fact, as although I've identified some places I could add some interactivity to The Golden God of Aiolia, I'm still a bit leery of doing so, as most of the possible interactivity points feel like they'll be pretty forced.  (Much more so than in Scions of Troy.)

Therefore, I've prepared a Google survey (which I hope works, because I've never made one before!) to ask what people think.  If you've read any of the adventures of Atalanta and Ariadne, please follow this link to fill out the survey.

Thanks!  :)

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